Welcome to the Bird Scooter Scavenger Hunt!

On Saturday 9/24 from 2-6pm, sign up for the hunt and you’ll be given a discount code to get started on a Bird Scooter.

BTW, you don’t have to use a scooter to play!  Just come on out and join the fun anyway you want!  It’s easy…

Follow the Bird Scooter pins on each map to the locations of each hidden QR code.  Find/scan the QR to get the location of the next QR.

Find all 8 and you’ll be entered into the raffle for a $50 Downtown Pittsfield Gift Card❤️

BUT…if you want to try and win a bit more and enjoy a post hunt drink or dinner, scoot back downtown where we’ve placed a few more QR codes and more chances to win $100 + $50 gift cards to locals we love!

These locations will be revealed once you’ve found the final QR code on the Drive/Walk/Bike City Art Show portion of your adventure!

Click here to begin

Have fun and BE CAREFUL!


In the meantime, check out the map below to see ALL the amazing artists taking part in the day!

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