How to Play!

  1. Answer the trivia question and open the map.
  2. Find & scan the QR code hidden at (or near) the location on the map ***pro tip: look for the beer bottle
  3. This will open your next question and then your next QR location.
  4. If you get the questions right, your journey will be short and sweet…but incorrect answers will lead to more questions and more hunting for QRs.
  5. Those who finish the hunt will be entered into our raffle for the Berkshire Booze Bag chock full of local goodies including gift cards from Casita, Lift BistroPub, wine from Balderdash, swag from Hot Plate, The Unabinner, Primero, Sean the Artist and some sweets from Truffles by Tarah!
  6. The first to finish will get an edge in the raffle with 10 entries!   So don’t dawdle!

Click here to begin

and remember, look for the beer bottle!